Ismaili dua pdf
Ismaili dua pdf

ismaili dua pdf

For example, when idol-worshipers had a problem or needed things like rain, good harvest, or children, they used to go to their idols and call upon them. There are people who may ask for something from other sources. Sometime dua is a request you ask God for something. Normally it is said that dua has two types. In this article, we will try to answer the following questions: Is dua asking God for something, or is it to speak to God and to call Him? Is dua to remember God? Is it possible to have silent dua? What are different types of dua? Two types of Dua One area of research which is very important and, I believe, still needs to be scholarly pursued is dua.

ismaili dua pdf

However, Islam is so deep and so comprehensive that there is always a chance for new research and new insights. For example, many books on akhlaq (ethics) and Quranic commentaries include discussions about dua. This is in addition to countless books that have chapters or sections on dua. There is also rich hadith literature on dua from Prophet Muhammad (s) and his household. There are several verses in the Quran about dua.

ismaili dua pdf

We will also study different types of dua. In this part, we are going to study the very notion of dua and see whether dua is to request something from God or to call God even without making any request.

ismaili dua pdf

No one should fail to supplicate because he thinks that his destiny is already decided dua can change the decree (qad ) which has been made firm and final. Based on Islamic narrations, dua was introduced as “the core of worshiping God” and “the weapon of believers.” We saw that dua is a powerful means by which one can change one’s destiny, the destiny of one’s family and even of one’s community. In the first part, we studied the significance of dua. Spiritual Quest, Winter & Spring 2014, Vol. International Institute for Islamic Studies, Qum

Ismaili dua pdf